Woburn Domestic Violence Attorneys Recovering Damages Clients and Their Families
In Massachusetts, two laws help people seeking protection from domestic violence, physical abuse or emotional abuse suffered from someone not in a domestic relationship. The laws are similar, the processes are nearly identical, and the consequences are the same. We at Contant Law start with helping our clients understand the laws, then navigate the process so you and your rights are protected.
Who Does a Domestic Restraining Order Protect?
Domestic Restraining Orders in Massachusetts offer protection to individuals suffering from domestic abuse between people:
- who are or were married to each other,
- who are or were living together,
- who are or were related by blood or marriage,
- who have a child together, or
- who are in a “substantive dating relationship.”
What is a Harassment Prevention Order?
Harassment Prevention Orders fill a gap to protect people who are not in a “domestic” relationship in situations involving:
- feuding neighbors,
- those being bullied at school and/or work, and
- victims of sexual assault who have not previously dated their attacker.
Can a Criminal Defense Attorney Help Me Fight Against a Restraining or Harassment Prevention Order Placed Against Me?
Contant Law helps individuals seeking to get a court-issued protection order and, as criminal defense attorneys, we also represent clients who have been served a Domestic Restraining Order or a Harassment Prevention order and been notified they need to appear in a scheduled Further Hearing.
Can a Domestic Violence Attorney Help Me
No matter which side of the aisle you are on, we can help you. Get Contant in your court.
Client Story: When Neighbors Aren’t Neighborly – Henry’s Story