In Massachusetts, possession of a small amount of marijuana is now legal; but there are still limits and restrictions on who can legally purchase and possess the drug. Currently, like alcohol, marijuana purchase, possession and use are restricted to those adults aged 21 and older. It is legal for any person over 21 to possess up to one ounce of marijuana for recreational use anywhere in the Commonwealth. The person may also lawfully possess up to ten ounces of marijuana in their primary residence.  It is important to note that while possession of small amounts of marijuana in public has been legalized, it is still illegal to use it (i.e. smoke, vape, etc.) in public.

So, what happens when someone under 21 is found in possession of marijuana? There are two levels of penalty:

  • If the person is over 18 and in possession of 2 ounces or less of marijuana, they will receive a non-criminal – or civil – citation with a fine of $100.
  • If the person is under 18 years of age and in possession of 2 ounces or less of marijuana, they will receive the same type of citation with a fine of $100 plus they will be required to participate in an approved drug awareness program.

Read more about the recent changes in Massachusetts drug laws here.

Drug laws and penalties are continually changing and evolving. It is always best to seek legal advice about the law. If you or a family member are unsure of the legal consequence of a drug offense and need legal advice, call or text us. Contant Law 617-227-8383.

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